Saturday, November 29, 2008

I raise my glass to President Bush

We, as Americans, have a lot to be thankful for. Even though lately our society seems to want to stress and magnify our differences for the shock-value or newsworthiness of conflict — we in the USA are a different breed of nation and always will be.
As we enter the Christmas season, I give thanks for a wonderful family around me. Close friends I can count on in times of need. Co-workers who are sometimes my closests brothers and sisters. And a blogosphere full of friends I’ve never met — but have known for years.
Finally, I’d like to thank President Bush for keeping me and my family safe. Despite my own soaring frustration with the President’s leadership and tactics — I am grateful that he kept his focus on the one part of his job that is most important. Despite all his faults, President Bush has, to the best of his abilities, preserved, protected and defended the Constitution of the United States during a very trying time in our nation.
We have been free from al-Qaeda attack for seven years. Thank you, Mr. President.


Anonymous said...

I also thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you for keeping me and my family and the rest of the country safe.

Anonymous said...

very well said.

Z said...

sorry if this posts twice..I thought I DID comment and it didn't take.

Wanted to thank you for coming by AND tell you I agree pretty much with your sentiment here.......and I fear a politically correct obama presidency. The closing of Gitmo will be a disaster and a terrible message to send...and if the patriot act's done for, so are we.

Interesting that obama's not spoken yet about this Indian attack, huh? ...when he's had a press conference there 3 days in a row? (which I personally found highly inappropriate) Suddenly, nothing!? Ya, because he can't say "WE are going to hang tough, too!"

Z said...

Oh, and by the way...I read your profile and you own a parking garage? I laughed out loud because every time I pay $12 for a couple of hours, I tell the attendant "You know, I'm in the WRONG BUSINESS!"

Good for YOU!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Z said...
Oh, and by the way...I read your profile and you own a parking garage? I laughed out loud because every time I pay $12 for a couple of hours,

In New York we pay $35.00 to $50.00

Pamela Zydel said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am willing to add you to my blog roll if you are willing to add me in return. Let me know.

Christopher Hamilton
The Right Opinion, for the Right Wing